Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Grilled cheese without the stove!

Lunch at the pool: no food in the house yet, so I head down to the local mini-mart in the bottom of our building. I was looking for some lunch meat, maybe a loaf of french bread, some cheese. What I find is some Arabic bread, which I might add is one of my favorite finds so far here. Imagine pita bread but softer and more flavorful. Everyone carries it and it always seems very fresh like someone just baked it. I also find some Arabic cheese, at least that's what we'll call it. It tasted similar to American cheese but the packaging was all in Arabic. So I get these things and some peanut butter and head out to the pool.

The temperature is a "pleasant" 110* with about 60% humidity. By the time the girls were ready for lunch (noone chose the peanut butter), I had to scrape the cheese off the little plastic sheet, get it on to the Arabic bread, fold the bread in half, squash, squash and VOILA: Grilled cheese sandwich!

They loved it, big hit! Who needs a stove when it's that hot outside!


1 comment:

Felicia said...

I love reading your blog...keep them coming. What experiences you've had so far! Are you coming home now? Temp are pleasant and in the 80's.