Sunday, August 10, 2008

Stealing my tomatoes!

Well my first trip to an actual grocery store didn't go to poorly! The 2 things I will have to remember is 1 to order everything in kilos/liters. I walked up to the meat counter and ordered a pound of ground beef, which I did see right in front of me, so I knew they had it! However the woman behind the counter looked at me like she had no clue what I wanted. (Most everyone speaks English and I was in a British store so I thought she must speak English) The lady next to her behind the counter kind of jumped in and said to the other woman that what I wanted was 1/2 a kilo of ground beef. She just shook her head like oh yeah!

My next deal was when I was checking out. I put all the groceries on the belt just like we do in the States but all of a sudden the guy bagging my groceries holds up my bag of tomatoes and my bags of fruit, says something and then runs off! I have no idea what he just said, and really the crazy thing that popped into my head was that he was telling me their tomatoes were bad to, the salmenella outbreak had reached Dubai! I had all 3 of the girls with me so at this point I and they were very ready to go! So I thought if I get my fruit, I get my fruit and if not then well I wasn't going to be chasing some guy down in the grocery store that I could not even understand in the first place! But low and behold right as she was about to finish ringing us up he appeared again with all my fruit. I had not put any labels on it! Here you have to put your fruit in the plastic bag, weigh it, and put the sticker on it. Oh well live and learn. And again this guy loaded all my stuff in the cart, walked my through the Dubai Marina and out to the parking garage, loaded my stuff, took the cart and waved goodbye! I do love all this service, especially when you have kids in tow with you!

I still haven't told you about trying to work my Italian washing machine...thank goodness the instrucion manuel was at least printed in English..I have to read the darn thing every time I go to do a fun is that! Well more later, Ava just woke from her nap.




1 comment:

marykateq said...

Love the blog...great stories!!! Looks like Brian may have a little competition